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Greater King David Baptist Church

Greater King David Baptist Church

Greater King David Baptist Church

Greater King David Baptist Church

Greater King David Baptist Church

Greater King David Baptist Church

Greater King David Baptist Church

Greater King David Baptist Church

Greater King David Baptist Church

Greater King David Baptist Church

Greater King David Baptist Church

Greater King David Baptist Church

Greater King David Baptist Church

Greater King David Baptist Church

Greater King David Baptist Church

Greater King David Baptist Church

Greater King David Baptist Church

Greater King David Baptist Church

Greater King David Baptist Church

Greater King David Baptist Church

Greater King David Baptist Church

Greater King David Baptist Church

Greater King David Baptist Church

Greater King David Baptist Church

Greater King David Baptist Church

Greater King David Baptist Church

Greater King David Baptist Church

Greater King David Baptist Church

Greater King David Baptist Church

Greater King David Baptist Church

Greater King David Baptist Church

Greater King David Baptist Church

Greater King David Baptist Church

Greater King David Baptist Church

Greater King David Baptist Church

Greater King David Baptist Church

Greater King David Baptist Church

Greater King David Baptist Church

Greater King David Baptist Church

Greater King David Baptist Church

Greater King David Baptist Church

Greater King David Baptist Church

Greater King David Baptist Church

Greater King David Baptist Church

Greater King David Baptist Church

Greater King David Baptist Church

Greater King David Baptist Church

Greater King David Baptist Church

Greater King David Baptist Church

Greater King David Baptist Church

Greater King David Baptist Church

Greater King David Baptist Church

Greater King David Baptist Church

Greater King David Baptist Church

Greater King David Baptist Church

Greater King David Baptist Church

Greater King David Baptist Church

Greater King David Baptist Church

“From him the whole body, joined and held together by every supporting ligament, grows and builds itself up in love, as each part does its work.” –Ephesians 4:16 NIV

God chose to use people to achieve His work of the Kingdom Building—hence we are commanded to serve Him.  He chooses to call upon people to serve and work with Him.  He has empowered and equipped all of us, His believers, with spiritual gifts to carry out the work of the ministry through the lives of others for His service.  Today, we ask you to heed God’s word.  Stir up your God-gifted talents and get involved.  Please contact our Corporate Office at 225.927.0577 or fill out our web form  and request specific information on your desired ministry.

Deacon Ministry

Under the leadership of, Bro. McHenry Jackson, the Deacon Ministry recognizes its role as ministering servants of the church by assisting the Pastor to lead the church in the achievement of its mission, ministering the gospel to believers and unbelievers, caring for members of the church and community, and visiting the sick and needy.

Deaconess Ministry

Led by Sis. Helen Butler, the deaconess ministry serves as supporting arm of the church for the Pastor and Deacon Ministry.  The Deaconess Ministry assists in spiritual matters, including, but not limited to, preparing communion and the baptism area before each baptism, providing support in feeding and clothing the needy, and encouraging and showing love to the sick, deprived, and destitute. 


GKD Orchestra

Everyone has heard of the Human Jukebox, but have you heard the GKD Jukebox?  That’s right, the GKD Jukebox…we mean Orchestra.  Playing praises unto God through the message of instrumental performance, the GKD Orchestra operates in a spirit of excellence under the direction of the #1 band director in the land, Bro. Lawrence Jackson.


Youth & Young Adult College Choir

 “Serve the LORD with gladness: come before his presence with singing.”-- Psalms 100:2. Are you between the ages of 14-25?  Do you want to sing praises of Zion unto the Lord?  Then consider joining the Youth & Young Adult College Choir.  For more information, contact Sis. Letecia Miles.  



Led by the Rev. Daniel Smith, the Dean of the Christian Education Ministry strives to ensure every member is educated and trained in the word.  The Christian Education Ministry provides various enrichment programs, strategies, and opportunities for discipleship for believers to achieve spiritual growth. 



Christian Education Ministry


Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needth not to be ashamed rightly dividing the word of truth.—2 Timothy 2:15.  Are you interested in being a part of training designed to equip you for Christian service?  If so, then the Baptist Training Union (BTU) is for you. This ministry is led by Sis. Bertha Wilcox and Rev. Alvin Johnson, Jr.


Baptist Training Union Ministry




Through the Brotherhood Ministry, fellowship among men which cultivates the Christian life of laymen through study, worship and service occurs.  If you are interested in joining the men of GKD to respond to the needs and interests of men in Christ, contact Bro.Tyrone Dunn.



Brotherhood Ministry




If you desire to become a part of a network of married couples to be educated, supported, and strengthened in the principles of marriage and family, then join the Couples Ministry.  Leaders are Bro. and Sis. Mark and Letecia Miles.


Christian Couples Ministry



Youth, College and Young Adult Ministry…The Comeback Generation!  We exist to reach the lost through the love of Christ; to transition young Christians to men and women of God who are passionate about their faith through spiritual maturity; and to develop young people that can impact the world of Christ.  If you would like to be a part of this mighty move of God, please contact Ministers Jeremy or LaTrisha Blunt.

Youth, Young Adult & College Student Ministry




If you desire assisting visitors, ushers, ministers, and the membership at large in creating an atmosphere which enhances the worship experience, then consider joining the greeter ministry.  The Greeter Ministry is under the guidance of Sis. Eddie Odds-Smith.

Greeter Ministry




Serving as ambassadors of Christ who willingly work as a unit to inspire others, obey orders, and display hospitality while tending to the needs of the church, its members, and visitors, the Usher Ministry II proudly serves as doorkeepers for the Lord.  For more information, contact Ministry Leader Clara Chambers. 


Usher Ministry II



V.I.P.S Ministry




VIPs is a dynamic, service-oriented ministry committed to executing the will of God as it relates to serving mankind. Contact person is Sis. Gloria Ray.


Mass Choir

As a part of the music ministry, the GKD Mass Choir creates a spiritual environment which strives to reach the spiritual needs of worshipers of all ages while giving praise and glorifying God Almighty.  For more information on joining the Mass Choir, contact the Minister of Music Chad Patton.

Cherubim Choir

Proverbs 22:6 says, train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it.”  The mission of the cherubim choir is to train children in the ministry of music and set a foundation of service to God in their hearts.  Parents with children ages 4-13 who are interested in joining the cherubim choir please contact Sis. Keshala Jackson.

Male Chorus

Cooling Water.  God’s Got This Thing Fixed.  These and many more songs are ministered to our hearts each 2nd Sunday.  Bro. Donald Gibson and the male chorus extend an invitation to join to all men who desire to serve with the utmost sincerity and love, while lifting the spirit of many through song and prayer. 


Led by Reverend Carolyn Foster, we are blessed to have an anointed group of ministers, who have answered the call of God into preaching, teaching, missionary and evangelistic ministry.  The Ministerial Staff continues to keep our under shepherd lifted up in prayer and supports him as he goes about doing the things that God has assigned him to do as the pastor of this great church.  


The Evangelism Ministry led by Evangelist Edna Beardon is designed to glorify God and change the world by ministering reconciliation, healing, and deliverance to a lost and dying world through the gospel of our great God and Savior Jesus Christ.  


The Prayer Ministry led by Sheila Green, offers different ways to come together to pray and be taught about communication with God the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. 


Ministerial Staff / Evangelism & Prayer Ministry



Sunday & Saturday Church School

If you are interested in experiencing Christian fellowship and exploring paths of biblical lessons and Christian Service, then you should get involved in Saturday & Sunday Church School.   The Saturday and SundaySchool Ministry is under the supervision of Sis. Juanita Ellerson, Rev. Alvin Johnson Jr, & Sis. Janette Lee. 


Sunday Nursery

The  GKD  Sunday  Nursery Ministry is dedicated to providing a safe, clean, and  nurturing environment  (ages  infant  to 4 years old) where children can rest, play, eat a snack, and  be  loved.   Parents are free to attend worship services without worry knowing that their children are in good hands.  The Nursery is open on each Sunday for all services at both the Inner City and North Locations.  For more information, contact Sister Kimberly McCants (Inner City Location) and Barbara Henderson (North Location).


Sisterhood Ministry

The Sisterhood Ministry aims to strengthen the church an its members thorough community and outreach programs by which all women of the church can become actively involved in activities that promote spiritual growth and maturity.  Females age 21 and older should contact Ministry Leader Jerrie Booker.

Singles Ministry

The singles ministry is an outreach ministry which shares the love of Jesus Christ by providing opportunities for worship, study, service, support, and fellowship to single persons in our church and community.  This ministry is led by Sis. Keshala Jackson.


Children’s Church

Designed to facilitate the growth of the entire child (mind, body, and spirit), the Children’s Ministry helps children understand the path of Salvation.  The Ministry Leader is Rev. Tony Robertson.  


The Arts Ministry ministers with creative works that reflect faith and touches the lives of other through their God given talents.  The ministry includes drama and liturgical dance.  For more information, contact Ministry Leader Sis. Toni Booker. 


Arts Ministry




Do you desire being a part of a group of Christian men and women who see a need for outreach in our church and surrounding area?  Alpha Alpha Christian Sorority and Alpha Omega Christian Fraternity is dedicated to providing recreational activities for children in our church community, providing scholarships, and volunteer service. Contact Sis. Virginia Castle for more information.


Alpha Alpha Christian Sorority and Alpha Omega Christian Fraternity




Calling all saints age 62 or older!  The Seasoned Saints ministry provides numerous activities throughout the year as a means of fellowship and a taken of love and appreciation for the foundation our Seasoned Saints have laid for us.  Ministry Leader is Sis. Emma Coates.


Golden Age Saints Ministry



Senior Usher Ministry

The Senior Usher Ministry renders a service of spiritual nature within and outside of the church through attributes of Christian character.  If you have a willingness to serve, they would love for you to join them.  Ministry Leaders is Bro. Gene Martin.


Jr. Usher Ministry

The Jr. Usher ministry allows children, youth, and young adults to worship God through serving.  If you are interested in joining, please contact Sis. Machelle Goree.


Missions Ministry

The Mission Ministry is a group of believers who are inspired by the Holy Spirit to proclaim the gospel and be a living witness for Christ by affirming God’s word through mission outreach.  For more information, contact Ministry Leader Rev. Felton Thomas and Sis. Wineta Hitchens.



Led by Sis. Helen Butler, the clothes closet seeks to help those that are in need with clothes assistance.  The clothes closet accepts cash donations and clothes for both men and women.



Clothes Closet Ministry




The mission of the Mentoring Ministry is to develop and instill Christian values, as well as enhance academic, social, and communication skills in youth and young adults.  If you desire mentoring the younger members of our ministry, please contact Bro. Miles Potier. 


Mentoring Ministry




Led by Sis. Geraldine Myers & Sis. Adlena Gamble, the Food Pantry Ministry is an outreach ministry which welcomes individuals who are committed to serving the community by providing food to those in need. 


Food Pantry Ministry




Boys and girls ages 4-18 are encouraged to join the GKD Crusaders Track Team, which convenes during the summer months.  Please contact Bro. Roderic Newton for additional information. 


GKD Crusaders Track Team




Led by Bro. Earl Doomes.  Come and be a part of a group where young men can achieve the core objectives of strengthening character, personal fitness, and good citizen.   Become a part of Boys Scouts or Cub Scouts. Boys ages 7-10 can join Cub Scouts which is led by Sis. Georgia Jackson and ages 11-17 can join Boys Scout led by Rev. Mark “Tony” Robertson and Bro. Earl Doomes.



Boy Scouts and Cub Scouts



Senior Center

Targeting individuals age 60 and older, the Senior Center provides activities and nourishment for our seniors, such as hot meals daily and flu shots.  To learn more, contact Sis. Daria Butler.



Girl Scouts

Welcome to the world of girls!  Girls ages 5-17 are encouraged to join the Girl Scouts to discover the fun, friendship, and power of girls together through experiences such as field trips, community service projects, and skill-building clinics.  The Girl Scouts are led by Sis. Ethel Johnson.


Audio/Visual Ministry

The Audio Visual Ministry focuses on spreading the gospel through advanced media technology such as CD’s and DVDs.  If you are interested in serving in this ministry with dedication and professionalism, contact Bro. Eddie Johnson.


Birth Month Ministry

Are you searching for a place to meet and gain spiritual, emotional, and physical nurturing through God’s word and His divine guidance?  Search no further.  The Birth Month Ministry provides an informal forum for members to gather together and celebrate the blessings of making another birthday.   Ministry Leader is Sis. Vera Hollins.


Voters Education Outreach

Led by Sis. Robertine Bruns, the goal of this ministry stresses, as citizens of the United States of America, it is our intent to aid in the development of an informed population of registered votes.  One of its foundational scriptures is from Isaiah 54 : 13-14, 13 I will teach all your children, and they will enjoy great peace.  14 You will be secure under a government that is just and fair.  Your enemies will stay far away.  You will live in peace, and terror will not come near. NLT

Legal Ministry

Striving to ensure the gap is bridged between the principles that govern God’s divine law and the legal principles that govern the law of the land, the Legal Ministry serves as a faucet to empower members by providing legal resources to help ease the navigation of the legal system.  Ministry leader is Bro. Kenneth Willis. 


Healthcare Ministry

Led by Dr. Steven Kelly, the Healthcare Ministry serves to improve the health of our members and the community through education and service, recognizing that the body is a temple of the Holy Spirit to be used to give glory back to God.


Food Service Ministry

The Food Service Ministry prepared delicious meals for all church activities and any area in which they are needed to serve.  Ministry leaders are Bro. Guy “Sweet Tea” Holiday and Sis. Sedonia Williams. 



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